If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, you need to contact a car accident lawyer in Decatur, Georgia, from Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm right away. Recovering after a car accident can take a long time especially if you have devastating injuries. Car accidents can happen almost anywhere and can change lives in an instant. If you have suffered serious injuries as a result of a negligent driver, you may be entitled to a large amount of compensation. By talking with a lawyer you can learn the facts of your case so you can take the appropriate legal action. For more information about how you can receive legal assistance, don’t hesitate to contact a car accident lawyer so that you can receive urgent help. We will do our best to get you the justice you deserve, which means that you are fully compensated for any injuries you sustain in the accident and for all damages done to your property.
There are many different factors to look at when considering compensation in a car accident case. First, you need to be compensated for all of your injuries. Compensation should include what you have already been billed and future medical issues as a result of the accident. It is recommended that you wait for some time to see what injuries you have. If you rush your claim and do not include all of the injuries, you may not be able to obtain compensation for any future medical issues that develop. For example, if you have a chronic health problem because of the accident, you need to make sure you file for compensation for:
You should not have to pay out of your own pocket for something due to someone else’s negligence. Second, you need to file for all damages done to your personal property. It’s likely that in the accident, your car was damaged along with other personal property in the vehicle. The at-fault party needs to pay to cover these damages. A lawyer can assist you with determining damages you may be able to recover. Calculating damages by yourself can take a long time, especially if you do not have enough legal knowledge or understand the process. A car accident lawyer who has successfully handled many cases before can obtain a much higher settlement for you.
Third, if you missed work due to the accident — whether for physical therapy, doctor visits, or court, you should file to receive damages for lost wages. Many accident victims are not able to return to work right away because of the injuries that they have suffered. This can mean weeks or months out of work, which can put them in a difficult financial position. Compensation for lost wages will make up for the time you missed at work and hopefully cover any hours you missed being able to collect due to the accident. It can account for future lost wages as well.
Finally, if the accident was particularly traumatic, you can file for damages for pain and suffering. Pain and suffering can be more challenging to calculate and to win ultimately. A car accident can affect your psychological health in ways you may not expect, so do not dismiss any mental health symptoms you may be experiencing that are impacting your daily life. Because pain and suffering cannot be quantified, it varies from person to person. Still, if you feel that this accident has given you anxiety or changed your life in any way emotionally, you should consider filing for it. Your life should go back to normal after such a big event, and the negligent party needs to pay for what they have done. This can end up being valuable if you need therapy or anything else to get your life back to the way it once was.
You need to be quick when contacting a lawyer. A lawyer will be able to help you with every step of your claim, but they need enough time to do so. They can help you navigate the car accident process and know how to handle the insurance agents who are trying to lowball your case. Your car accident lawyer will also know what tactics work well in court and make sure you don’t miss any important filing deadlines. There is a statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits in Georgia, so make sure you hire a lawyer to be on your side right away. The limited time to file a claim is brief as the statute of limitations is only a few years, so it is better to act sooner than later even if you are still unsure what you want to do. They will look out for your best interests and try their best to get you the justice you deserve.
Living through a car accident can be overwhelming, no matter how major or minor the damage may be. It is important to know what steps to take immediately after this type of event. Because of the chaos of an accident, it can be difficult for you to get a sense of your bearings and understand what you need to immediately do. However, you need to be able to remember key steps to take right after an accident. A mistake can result in your compensation being reduced or your claim getting dismissed. Knowing what mistakes to avoid can help you avoid unnecessary complications that can affect the status of your claim. With the support of the legal professionals at Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm, you can avoid these common but often harmful mistakes.
Even if you think that an auto accident occurred because of your driving, you should never admit to any fault during the immediate aftermath, especially to the other party. It is the job of the police and legal professionals to determine the true cause of an accident, which may not be apparent right away. Admitting fault could cause you to forfeit any potential compensation you may have otherwise been entitled to.
During a major car accident with serious injuries, police or first responders will likely arrive on the scene. However, some car accidents can occur without any police intervention afterward. In these situations, it is critical that you get as much information about the other driver as possible. A name and phone number are not enough as these can easily be fake. Write down the license plate number or take a photo of it as soon as possible after the accident to give to your car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA. You should ask for insurance information as well.
An aching neck, sore muscles, or some minor bruises may not seem worth a visit to the doctor but all car accident injuries should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible. It is quite possible for serious pain and complications to develop over time. However, if you fail to have these issues diagnosed or documented at the time of the accident, you may not be able to prove that it was the cause of the injuries. This means you could lose the financial reimbursement you need for medical treatment.
Some people wrongfully assume that they can wait weeks or months after an accident before hiring a car accident death lawyer in Decatur, GA. This is incorrect; the faster you acquire sound legal advice from a reputable company, the more likely you are to get faster and more favorable results. Contact Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm as soon as possible, even on the same day as your accident if possible.
When the police come to the scene of your accident, they will likely assign fault by issuing a citation. If you are less at-fault than the other driver, you may be able to file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company.
If you’re the front driver, you could be at fault for stopping too quickly in the middle of the road, cutting off the rear driver, having brake lights that don’t work or reversing into the rear driver. Rear-end accidents can be tricky to navigate, especially if there are multiple parties involved. Having a lawyer helps you protect your legal rights so that you do not have to suffer the consequences as an accident victim. Your Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm car accident death lawyer in Decatur, GA, can help you prove the other driver was more at-fault than you.
Depending on the severity of your whiplash injury, you could be feeling completely healed after two weeks or still be miserable after three months. It all depends on the direction of the impact, the speed of the vehicles and whether your airbags deployed. Studies have shown that even at speeds as low as five mph, serious whiplash injuries can occur.
Before you file a claim, you should be mostly recovered. Your car accident death lawyer in Decatur, GA, may advise you to wait until either you’re wholly recovered or your course of treatment can be laid out predictably before you file a claim against the other driver’s insurance to make sure all your medical bills are covered.
Left untreated, even mild whiplash can cause permanent injuries. Your head, neck and spine are all delicate areas where damage can occur in a split second. When your head whips violently back and forth, it can cause damage to any number of parts of your neck, spine and head. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, bones and the brain can all sustain serious damage in a car accident that causes whiplash.
It’s critical that you seek immediate medical attention after a car accident to help stave off permanent injuries. Waiting too long to seek treatment can cause your condition to worsen and it may make it more difficult to recover fair compensation for your accident injuries. Even if you don’t believe you have suffered serious injuries, it is advised that you go to a doctor to have a proper medical evaluation. An adrenaline rush after an accident could be masking other injuries that you may have. A Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA, may want a copy of your medical records to help document your health journey after your collision.
Whiplash injuries can affect your back, spine, head and brain in addition to any neck injuries you may incur in your car crash. For example, you could sprain or strain your back; develop nerve impingement; suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from your brain bouncing around in your skull; or tear muscles as a result of whiplash.
Victims of car accidents stand to contend with various outcomes, and it’s important to know that even minor injuries may result in incurred medical costs, physical limitations, and missed time away from work. Common injuries that result from car accidents include:
At times these injuries can result in long-term physical limitations, debilitating pain, and lengthy recovery times. To ensure the best possible recovery, victims will be required to follow doctors’ orders, which can be both costly and invasive.
As a victim pursuing damages, you will carry the burden of proof, meaning that your losses were likely caused by the accident you suffered as a result of the other parties’ negligence. Our car accident lawyer shares that there are vital elements needed to ensure a successful outcome:
To achieve success, the victim and their lawyer must present evidence that ties to each element, such as police reports, medical records, photographs of the accident and injuries, and eyewitness statements. A lawyer will guide their client by advising and ascertaining the proper evidence to support the claim.
Once your lawyer has filed the demand letter with the insurance company, they will engage with the defendant, the insurance company, and their lawyers in negotiating a fair settlement. Settlements are aimed at helping victims feel whole after the accident. While nothing can turn back time, compensation may assist with covering economic and non-economic damages that resulted from the accident.
Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm brings experience, compassion, and tenacity when victims need it the most. Car accident victims may be facing a long road to recovery, and to ensure that you can prioritize healing, you must allow a lawyer to take the lead on your case. Learn more about our firm and how we can help by reaching out to our Decatur, Georgia car accident death lawyer as soon as possible.
As devastating as a car crash may be, it may be just the beginning of your problems. For instance, you may or may not immediately recognize the fact that you have been injured, let alone where on your body and to what extent. In other words, just because you feel no immediate pain does not mean that you are okay. Two medical conditions, shock and nerve damage, can mask your immediate injury symptoms, resulting in the almost certainty of delayed symptoms appearing later.
Shock occurs when your body basically tries to shut down after an injury or other catastrophic event. Shock is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical intervention. While in a state of shock, you likely will not feel any pain. You will, however, probably exhibit one or more of the following telltale signs of shock:
If your injuries cause nerve damage, this is another reason why you may not feel immediate pain. For instance, if you receive a third-degree burn, one that scorches your underlying tissues as well as your skin, you likely will feel no pain because the nerve endings that relay that pain to your brain have been compromised.
Whenever your injury symptoms surface, they probably will include one or more of the following:
Keep in mind that mental or emotional symptoms likewise may eventually occur, such as the following:
Any of these physical or emotional symptoms can point to a serious underlying condition that could haunt you for years.
Given that you have no way of knowing how seriously you have been injured right after an accident, or what medical and other costs you may face both now and in the future, you would do well to contact an experienced local car accident death lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Why? Because he or she can relieve you of any financial worries you may have so as to allow you to focus all your energy on recovering from your accident and getting back to the life you love.
If you are thinking of hiring a car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA, you may have concerns or anxiety about the process. Your hesitancy is likely caused by misconceptions that can be easily dispelled.
The thought of having to go into court, and possibly testify under oath, may seem intimidating. On top of that, if you already missed work because of your injuries, you may worry about having to take even more time off to prepare for and attend court. While it is possible that you may have to appear in court, most cases involving car accidents can be settled out of court without requiring the drivers to testify in front of a judge. Having a competent and experienced car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA, like Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm, can make all the difference.
When you hire a car accident attorney, you are pursuing a civil claim, not a criminal one. It may or may not be the case that the other motorist broke the law, but those questions are handled by the police. You are not responsible for whether the other driver gets prosecuted.
You may think that you don’t need an attorney if the driver at fault was nice and offered to “take care of” any costs related to the accident. Trying to settle the problem between the two of you may seem like the simplest thing to do. However, will the other driver still feel inclined to “take care of” everything weeks later, when you may have developed additional unforeseen health issues related to the accident?
No matter how friendly others may seem at the time, attitudes can change quickly when circumstances change. It is likely that neither you nor the other driver fully understands the costs that may be involved in your claim. The bottom line is that two individual drivers are not equipped to handle issues that should be settled between insurance companies and attorneys.
The question of whether you can trust a prospective attorney is a reasonable one. The stakes involved in your case can be very high, monetarily and emotionally. If you have never been involved in a legal case before, you may be anxious about whether you can rely on someone in a situation that is unfamiliar to you, dealing with highly technical circumstances. That is why it is so important to consider reputation and experience when choosing a car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA. We invite you to refer to our Testimonials page to learn what Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm has done for others.
Our team knows that no one expects that they will experience a car accident, let alone lasting injuries. While injuries can range from mild to severe, nearly all of them will require some form of recovery. Victims will have their plates full following a car accident, making it difficult to focus on recovery when coupled with pursuing the claims process.
We can play a pivotal role in alleviating the pressure by managing the legal process while victims focus on recovery. Physical injuries translate into financial losses due to missed time from work and medical expenses from treatment. Working with a lawyer will be critical to determining liability, proving damages, and negotiating a favorable settlement offer. A Georgia car accident lawyer in Decatur from Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm is ready to speak with you now.
Finding a reputable car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA is one of the more important things you find when you are searching for a lawyer. Not only should they be good at their job, but they also have to be the right fit for you. Not every lawyer is going to suit your needs or mesh well with you.
If you are looking for a lawyer you need someone that has the following qualities. A good accident lawyer is going to help you with your case and make sure that everything is in good order.
No matter what lawyer you go with they are there to represent you. You want someone who has the understanding and the skills to handle your case. If you are looking for a lawyer then you should look for the following qualities:
No matter what kind of case you bring, a good lawyer is going to make it easy for you to understand what they can do to help with your case. They should also provide you with clear information about their process, fees, values, and what they expect from you. If you have questions then they should be direct and to the point when answering them. You should never leave their office with more questions than answers. If you do then there is a good chance that you will have issues later on down the line with communication if you hire them.
No matter what your lawyer should be interested in your case. A lawyer who doesn’t put in all their effort or doesn’t seem engaged isn’t worth your time. Many times if you hire a lawyer like this then you could end up getting a smaller settlement than you could have gotten had they been more engaged. If your lawyer isn’t asking you detailed questions about your case and what your goals are, then they most likely aren’t engaged in your case as they should be.
Always ask your lawyer for a list of references you can contact and speak to. This includes previous clients as they are going to have the best understanding of how this lawyer works. A good lawyer should be willing to speak to the reputation of the lawyer. Even if you don’t contact their references you can have confidence in the fact that they provided them to you. If the lawyer doesn’t have references or refuses to provide you with them, then they may be hiding something.
No matter what your lawyer should have experience with your type of case. If they don’t have experience handling car accidents then you should move on. Your case is important and experience matters in everything you do. Just like you wouldn’t trust your general practitioner to perform brain surgery you wouldn’t trust just any lawyer to handle your case.
If you are looking for a car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA then doesn’t hesitate to reach out to the team here at Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm.
If you have recently been in a car accident in or near Decatur, GA, it is essential to contact an experienced car accident lawyer. Decatur, GA, residents depend on from the Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm. We specialize in car accident-related legal matters. Our clients rely on us to do our best to get the justice you deserve. This means that following a car accident, you are fully compensated for any injuries you sustain in the accident and for all damages done to your property.
Compensation can be pursued following a car accident where there was damage to personal property or injury, regardless of the level of seriousness. Compensation includes what you have been billed for already, as well as future expenses such as future medical issues that are a direct result of the accident. For example, if you sustained an injury during the accident and consequently you require physical therapy, you can collect compensation to help with physical therapy expenses.
Compensation is typically collected in the form of economic or non-economic damages. The compensatory damages may be “economic” or “noneconomic.” Economic damages are physical, more tangible damages that can be quantified, and their value does not change depending on the jury that is evaluating them.
In some states, noneconomic damages are referred to as pain and suffering. In addition to the one who suffered the damages, a spouse may be able to recover a type of non-economic damage referred to as “loss of consortium”. In the event of wrongful death, or inability to seek legal assistance, a spouse can also be the one to seek legal counsel and fight for compensation for personal injury damages.
In order to succeed, the victim and their attorney must provide evidence related to each item, such as police reports, medical records, photos of the accident and injuries, and eyewitness testimony. An attorney will guide his client through counseling and identify the proper evidence to support the claim.
Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm brings experience, compassion and tenacity when victims need it most. A car accident victim can face a long road to recovery, and to ensure your recovery is a priority, you must have an attorney take the lead on your case, and negotiate compensation. Contact our Decatur, GA car accident lawyers from Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm as soon as possible to learn more about our firm and how we can help.
A: There are many reasons why car accidents can happen. Some of the most prominent examples include those accidents that happen, due to the drivers being careless. For example; drivers can run a red light, be in a hurry to work, in which they end up trying to run through a stop sign, and more. Moreover, there are also acts of road rage that are prominent, when it comes to car accidents as well. This can range from tailgating, cutting people off when angry, and more. As such, instances such as these, can lead to people getting thrown off by the behavior of the driver, which can cause accidents. Now, while these are some examples, another big factor to focus on is assessing the damage that was done in a car crash, who is responsible, and the damages that should be assessed, as well as who has suffered physically and mentally. This is where it is important to contact a car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA.
A: What car accident lawyers to aid in doing, is assessing the situation at hand, in a multifaceted manner. For example; questions that will be asked pertaining to how the crash happened, who was involved, whether there was physical damage suffered and the type of injuries sustained and more. What asking these questions aid in doing, is refining the case and how the situation can be resolved. The reason is that not everything is not black and white. Moreover, an example of looking at cases in an in-depth and multifaceted manner pertains to Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm, which targets wrongful deaths, bike and motorcycle accidents, and more. This is important for any accident-related company, because the increasing variety in the types of cases that are handled, aids in building specific cases, for each individual. Moreover, these are the types of cases that car accent lawyers handle effectively.
If you have any more questions about what a car accident lawyer in Decatur, GA can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm to learn more.
"I was in an accident involving an 18 wheeler. Roger and his staff was able to handle the case effectively. Although the trucking firm tried their best to low ball us, based discovery of the facts Roger was able to get an amount we deserved. I highly recommend the Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm to anyone seeking competent legal representation."
Lesol Soleil"Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm handled our accident case beyond our expectations. I highly recommend them to anyone who needs competent legal representation."
Jeewanthi Clemons"I would strongly recommend Roger Krause in a wrongful death case. He is very passionate about the cases and puts his clients first. He obtained justice for our family and because of this a policy for the hospital was changed to hopfully keep other family members from going thru what we have had to endure."
Angela Wise"Attorney Krause has been a blessing to me and my family in handling the wrongful death lawsuit of my husband. I went through two other attorneys in which they turned me down and wouldn’t take my case. Mr Krause has been nothing but kind and professional to me and my family and I would recommend him to anyone who needs a great attorney. Thank you for your support Mr Krause."
Lisa Satterfield"Roger Krause is a true warrior willing to take on the hard and important cases. He has never given up on my case and their results are incredible. I was one of Atlanta’s Bravest for many years – I know true warriors. I have referred Roger Krause to my friends and family, and I would refer them to you."
Joseph Amos"After talking with other attorneys, I truly found a wonderful, caring and compassionate man. Roger has truly been a blessing. I would recommend him to anyone that will listen. And OMG the office staff is extremely helpful if he isn’t around. GREAT SERVICE & A WONDERFUL ATTORNEY!"
Daphyne M."I very highly recommend Attorney Roger Krause for any legal matters. He handled a situation for me with such expertise, that, when I recently moved to the state of California, a state that has thousands of attorneys, I called attorney Krause in Georgia, to get him involved due to his extremely high ethical conduct, honesty and his tenacity and professionalism and I knew, from previous experience, that he would keep me well informed in moving ahead with my legal matters. Attorney Krause was highly recommended to me and I likewise do the same to anyone needing legal advice."
Raymond M."Roger Krause is one of the most caring attorneys I know and I would strongly recommend him. He worked on a personal injury case for me and the outcome was victorious if I ever need another attorney he would definitely be the one for me."
Anita Johnson"I can’t express into so much of words how I was and will always be satisfied with the care, support, and effort Mr. Roger and Firm put into seeing my case through for me and my family. It was truly a reassurance that he made time just for me to see my case through. I’d highly recommend this firm from any other in the State of Georgia. Thanks so much for everything Mr. Roger and Ariana!"
Shakendra Benton"I really appreciate the hard work. My family is finally at some peace thank you, Mr. Krause. He’s the best recommend anyone with wrongful death to go with them! They are the best!"
Mercedes Espinosa"Roger helped bring us justice and a peace of mind for our Dad who had passed due to the doctor and staff who neglected while doing a procedure that he wasnt fit for. Roger has shown me and my family that he was the man for the job hands down"
Johna"Roger has done an amazing job with my case. He is very knowledgeable and patient and has done an outstanding job with keeping me informed on everything that goes on throughout the process. I would definitely hire him again!"
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