Krause Law Firm Blog

Personal Injury Lawyer Before you file a personal injury claim, there many things to consider. If you understand some of the key concepts involved, it will make the process go much smoother. What Caused the Injury and Who Is Responsible? The way you handle the injury response depends on the...

Car Accident Lawyer   Many car accidents are unavoidable, caused by inclement weather conditions or other natural phenomena. However, in most car accidents, at least one driver is at fault. Here are a few factors used in determining fault in a car accident. Reckless, Negligent, or Drunken Driving If a...

[caption id="attachment_507" align="alignnone" width="300"] Wrongful Death Doctor talk and patient medical working at office[/caption] School children face many obstacles to recovering compensation for injuries sustained in elementary and high school sports, especially traumatic brain injuries that result from sports–related concussions. There is a general bias that children “bounce back” from...

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, is quoted as saying, “primum non nocere,” which is Latin for “First, do no harm.” A modern interpretation of this principle is that a healthcare provider must always properly prescribe the correct treatments or tests and perform them competently. If a healthcare provider violates this...

What happens when a loved one dies, leaving behind a spouse and children, but the spouse is not related to the children?  This often occurs when parents remarry, each with their own children. Sometimes it feels like your father or mother’s new spouse – your stepmother or stepfather is evil...

On occasion, those who receive an operation or other form of therapeutic procedure are subjected to subpar treatment. The results can be catastrophic, and the affected patient may wish to sue. Not all cases where someone receives an injury from a doctor’s care are eligible for litigation. Here are the...

1. Always call 911 and wait for the emergency personnel. Never rely on anyone else to make this important call. Surprisingly, when there are many people who witness a collision, often nobody will call, believing that someone else has already called. Never leave the site of the collision until after...

You were just injured in an automobile collision, and within hours the insurance company for the other party calls and wishes to speak with you. What should you do? Every situation is unique. However, these are some guidelines to help you decide what you should do. 1. Be skeptical. While...

A sudden and unexpected death is the most stressful experience that anyone must endure. Common feelings include: guilt, depression, anger, bitterness, and anxiety. Some even feel some sense of relief. Others feel suicidal. Almost every aspect of the survivors’ life is impacted. So, how should one deal with this pain,...

How to Hire an Attorney

It is difficult to find the right attorney. Always meet with your attorney. It is important for you to know who is working on your case. Ask how many wrongful death actions they are currently working and ask what type of actions, motor vehicle, medical malpractice, etc. After meeting with...

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