What Causes Car Crashes?

Car Accidents

The question of “why” car accidents occur is central to the personal injury lawsuit process. If the issue of causation cannot be determined accurately, the matter of fault can’t be addressed accurately. As a result, it cannot be made clear which party or parties can be held legally and financially liable for the harm caused by the collision in question.

It is for these reasons – among many others – that it is critically important for motor vehicle operators to understand why cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other modes of road-based transportation crash. When individuals understand the complexity of this “why,” they may be more empowered to research their legal options in the wake of a collision. Currently, far too many accident injury victims simply assume that they either caused their collisions or that there is nothing to be done about the harm they’ve suffered. In reality, “invisible” causes of collisions and other influencing factors are such that accident victims are often entitled to compensation even when they’ve convinced themselves that they’re not.

Investigating Circumstances

As an experienced car accident lawyer – including those who practice at Patterson Bray, PLLC – can confirm, accident victims shouldn’t make assumptions about what has caused their collisions until the circumstances leading to a particular crash have been investigated. Admitting blame, dismissing an opportunity to seek compensation, and otherwise charging ahead before causation has been accurately determined will almost certainly undermine the value of a victim’s case once a lawsuit and/or insurance claim has been filed.

Why is it so important to have an objective professional investigate the circumstances of a crash? It is rare that the cause(s) of a collision are immediately evident. Certainly, those involved and witnesses may have strong suspicions as to the cause(s) of an accident. However, invisible factors may play a role that cannot be discerned until an investigation has taken place.

For example, if a defective auto part caused a glitch in a car’s electrical system, an affected motorist may be unable to fully explain why their car crashed. Or, a driver may be aware that they were a little distracted by a distressed child buckled into the backseat of their vehicle but may be unaware that the other motorist involved in their crash had been awake for 45 hours immediately before impact. Once these details are clarified, a victim’s perception of their legal situation may change dramatically.

The Most Common Reasons Why Cars Crash

Some of the most common reasons why cars crash are referred to as “The Four Ds.” These causes are: drunk driving, drowsy driving, distracted driving, and drugged driving. Aggressive driving is also a very common cause of crashes and can involve speeding, road rage, and other forms of unsafe driving behaviors of exaggerated intensity.

Auto part defects and poorly maintained roads are common crash causes that involve the negligence or recklessness of third parties who aren’t travelers. And rarely, forces beyond anyone’s real control – like the sudden presence of wild animals in the road – also cause crashes.