Fortunately, a five-year-old child, struck by a drunk driver near the Georgia Dome, is in stable condition. The incident took place Sunday evening while the child was crossing the intersection of Northside Drive and Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard. The driver fled the scene but was apprehended not far from the location where the five-year-old was hit. The driver was charged with driving under the influence and leaving the scene of an accident.
Georgia law permits drunk driving injury victims to recover “punitive” damages in accidents caused by drunk drivers.
At Wrongful Death Krause Law Firm, we aggressively pursue drunk drivers. In these cases, insurance companies can be persuaded to offer larger settlements because they know juries are willing to give verdicts higher than in a typical case. We work hard to show insurance companies and juries that driving drunk merits severe punishment.
Please call us or email us for a free consultation.
Source: Atlanta-Journal Constitution