Car Accident Lawyer

For many drivers, construction zones are an inconvenience, but when drivers don’t pay attention when they encounter construction, it can lead to devastating accidents. In addition to accidents, you face more severe penalties when you break the law within a construction zone. When this occurs, there is usually a need for an experienced car accident lawyer. As explained by our friends at Hall-Justice, there are five important tips to remember when engaging with construction zones to help ensure a reasonable level of safety.

Drive Slowly

Construction zones always have a lower speed limit. You need to adhere to the speed limit. If pulled over, you could face higher penalties. Keep your eyes on the road signs and make sure to follow the speed limit, even if it’s much lower than normal.

Be Defensive

You should practice defensive driving skills when you’re in a construction zone. Try to keep plenty of distance between yourself and the other cars on the road. Stay on the lookout for any hazards on the road. If another driver isn’t paying attention to the rules, you need to be fully aware of them to keep yourself safe on the road.

Watch the Signs

When driving through a construction area, pay attention to the signs. There may be speed limit changes, new stop signs, lane changes and merge signs that you aren’t used to. If you speed through without paying attention, you could make a mistake that could harm yourself or others on the road.

Stay Patient

One of the major causes of errors on the road is impatience. When drivers are impatient, they are more likely to react with frustration or exhibit road rage signs. Even if you are in a hurry, remember that if you cause an accident, you will not arrive at your destination any sooner than you otherwise would have. When you see a construction zone, expect to have delays. If you know there is construction, plan ahead and leave early so you don’t feel rushed while driving.

Listen to the Flaggers

Flaggers are there to direct you through the construction zone. Pay attention to the flaggers directions to move through the zone safely. If you speed through the area or do not pay attention to those directing you, you could put the flagger’s life in danger.

When drivers do not slow down, pay attention to the rules and remain patient, they are more likely to cause an accident within a construction zone. If you suffered injuries after an accident someone caused in a construction zone, set up a consultation with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible.